

We have found this video and we think you will love to hear this american girl's pronunciation. Do you agree with her?? Enjoy it!!!

Hi, this is Kim Purcell at RealESL.com. Remember if you want to get a transcript or vocabulary explanation. Go to my website. I have everything there. I think it’s much more useful than writing the transcript on the actual video itself. Because I can explain much better in writing. You can focus on what I’m saying while you’re watching the video rather than reading below.
Okay so right now we’re going to talk about yoga. Yes, I’m going to yoga. And I wanted to tell you that if you are in America and you are having trouble meeting Americans, go to yoga! Now, you get a great workout (to exercise your body), but also afterwards….make sure you pick a place that has sort of a common talking area (a place where everyone can talk together).
I did this when I lived in Korea. I went to their kind of yoga which is called Dahn Hak. And afterwards you have tea and you talk to everyone. It really improved my Korean and it does the same thing in America (improves your English!).
Now one of my favorite places is called Golden Bridge Yoga. It’s amazing. It’s in Hollywood. I highly recommend it (I think you should go). They have this huge table where everyone sits and you can all chat (talk) and it’s really wonderful. Now, when you sit down to talk to everyone (and you feel like) “Nobody’s talking to me!” Well, you have to talk to them. You have to ask questions. That’s what you need to become really good at.
So if you come to yoga, you can ask, “What class did you do?” Because here there are sometimes a couple different classes going at the same time. And then you say, “Oh do you like that teacher? What do you think about her? Or him?” And then they explain. (You say…) “How long have you been doing yoga?” And then they talk,talk,talk. They think you’re amazing (and your English too!) because you’re asking all these questions and you’re interested in them. That’s what people want. They just want someone who cares. And then you become friends with them. You go to more classes. You hang out (you spend time together). You go for coffe. And the friendship develops from there. Now, go for it. You can do it. I believe in you (I think you can do it). I'm Kim Purcell at RealESL.com.

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